Chapter 5 – In The Woods

The rabbits try to keep up with each other slowly and cautiously further away from the warren more than any other rabbits have been, at least that’s what Hazel thought. Hazel go first and forward by himself like the rabbit folk hero – El-ahrairah – to make sure the way is safe for the others to follow. The smaller rabbits –  Fiver and Pipkin, are getting tired. Finally decides that it is better to rest well and have strength rather than exhausted and won’t be able to run from their predators. Dandelion is asked to tell the story of El-ahrairah while they are resting. El-ahrairah from the rabbit folk, is a hero. He could control the weather and provide dew and wind, help rabbits to escape their predators. Elahrairah doesn’t use violence, but use tricks instead.

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