Chapter 17 – The Shining Wire

Hazel has an odd dream and wakes up to find no rabbit’s body close together to keep warmth. Fiver is not there. Hazel and Bigwig go out to look for him. They find Fiver not so far away. As much as Bigwig is a comfort for Hazel when Fiver was gone, he feels that once he finds Fiver, he wants to go alone and talk to his little brother. Hazel tries to persuade Bigwig to go back but Bigwig yells at Fiver for he believes Fiver just wants everyone to listen and do what he wants. Then he goes back. Unfortunately, he caught in a snare. He is in serious pain and he tries to get out when Hazel tells him he is in a snare. Bigwig struggles furiously and mouths that they need to get the peg out. Fiver in fear runs to get the others. Blackberry finds the meaning of Bigwig words, it is the peg in the ground attaching to a wire around Bigwig’s neck. He takes it out but Bigwig isn’t moving.

The rabbits learns that Cowslip and the others won’t come to help. They ignore Fiver when he comes asking. Bigwig wakes up right then and state that he will kill Cowslip. All the others agree and go chaotic. Fiver silences them and tells them the story of the warren. The farmer feeds them and then sets up snares to catch them to eat. The rabbits are not dim-witted, they know about the snares, but pretend to themselves that it is all okay and through time they make poetry and art. No one is ever allowed to ask question of “Where”. Fiver tells his rabbits that the entire warren is full of snares and death. Seeing that they are about to leave, Strawberry runs to them and begs to leave. Hazel agrees and they go away.

Chapter 16 – Silverweed

Hazel and his rabbits thought they made a good impression for a classic rabbit story, telling very well. However, they soon realize that the warren rabbits didn’t receive it with an enthusiatic. These rabbits don’t believe in story of El-ahrairah, instead they make poem and poetry in fascination. Fiver listens to the poem that Silverweed read and he is horrified of it. He is so terribly effected by it and nearly put up a fight between the two warrens. Hazel tries to get him out of the burrow along with Bigwig. Once they get out, Fiver thinks they did what they did because they sense the fear and danger in the the warren as well. He is wrong, they are upsetted because he may have endagered them and their relationship with the warren. Fiver in astonishment comes back down with Hazel and Bigwig to sleep.

Chapter 15 – The Story of the King’s Lettuce

Dandelion with his talent of telling stories, save the day. His story is about El-ahrairah and his rabbits ran out of luck. They lived down in the marshland of Kefza, where there were little food. Frith gave Prince Rainbow the power to control and order the world as he thought best. Prince Rainbow made sure that El-ahrairah was still there by visiting everyday. On one of those days, El-ahrairah stopped Prince Rainbow and asked him why he kept them there against their will. Prince Raibow replied that unless El-ahrairah and his rabbits became honest, he wouldn’t let them go. El-ahrairah said no way, for his rabbits should be proud of their tricks. Instead he offered a challenge to Prince Rainbow, to steal King Darzin’s lettuce, in return for his rabbits to move to a better place. King Darzin was the king of the largest animal kingdom and he had a lettuce garden which was guarded heavily. Rabscuttle, the Owsla’s captain along with El-ahrairah, tricked their way into the garden and managed to steal the King’s lettuce. Prince Rainbow kept his word and from then on no one can stop rabbits from any vegetable gardens, as El-ahrairah taught them with thousands of tricks.

Chapter 14 – “Like Trees in November”

After their returning to the big hall, Hazel wants to talk to Blackberry alone by telling Cowslip that they are going to silflay (eat outside). Cowslip laughs and tells them that there are plenty of food inside the burrow and it is raining anyway. Hazel maintains on his feet about going our to silflay. They meet Pipkin on the way up and the three have a discuss about the weirdness of this warren while nibbling grass. Hazel tells them about the stone art the rabbit made and Pipkin says that they don’t look like fighters at all eventhough they’re big. After, they go back to the burrow and sleep.

Hazel wakes up early by the smell of cigarette. He stays in the burrow and sees Pipkin dreaming about his old life at the Sandleford warren. Strawberry then comes pounding the ground waking the rest of the rabbits up. He explains that there are food outside and they should get them quickly before the rats get them. They find themselve living a dream, it’s carrots everywhere and they fill their stomach up. Cowslip shows them how to carry food back to the burrow for later. Hazel’s rabbits find it hard at first but they all try except Fiver, who gets mad and says that there is something unatural about the warren. He will not join them, carry food like dogs. Hazel is troubled about Fiver sleeping outside and not ever step down to the warren.

Bigwig and Hazel talks later, they both agree the warren is strange but they’ve been treated well, they don’t want to change things. Bigwig imposes Fiver to come down with them. Cowslip’s rabbits ask for a story, and Blackberry, after a conversation, says that Hazel will tell them the story of their adventure to finally be here at the warren. The other rabbits go into silence. Hazel being a fast improviser, quickly changes the story to one of El-ahrairah told by Dandelion.

What happens next?

As we remember, Truman left the TV show which he is the Star and enters the real world. The staff, the actors and the fake little life is behind him. This is what happens next.

Truman stepped out of the studio through a pitch-black darkness. He feared for a moment that he doesn’t know anything about his soon-to-be-real-life. He struggled before the first sight of what he knows as the “real world”. It’s noisy with car honks, people yelling and the small incident happens there and now.  Truman sniffled a smell that went through his nose and made it impossible for him to breathe. He saw everyone around him doing their own little thing and MOST importantly, they are not focusing on him. For a moment, Truman felt he was just a small part of the world.

There were things that looks completely strange to him. Like the fashion, the billboard, the car and the way people behave were significant. Such things to a man who has been separated from it his whole life, it was magnificent. Truman stood in the real sunlight of a real sun from a real sky and felt the diverse of his new life. The sky and the light, it looked the same, but the feeling, the heat on his skin was new and surprisingly warm and welcoming.

“That’s Truman!” a whisper from somewhere in the crowd he could not identify.

“Truman Burbank! Oh my lord, for all my life I’ve only wished to meet this man in person.” Said another old cracking voice.

“It’s him! 15-4! We’ve got him. What are we supposed to do now?” said another in return was a very electrolize sound.

Before Truman could catch his breathe, there were cameras everywhere, clicking and flashing that blind his eyes. And there were questions, so many questions asked by different men and women with mics in the hand pointing at his face. It was not the same as his whole life having cameras everywhere. This was unlike any of that. The people, they were attacking him. He was lost, really lost.

“Protect him!” Guards under Christof direction, were trying to help Truman. Truman thought for a moment of this extraodinary world. “Urrgh… eerrm… I..I…I…” he mumbled, feeling like the new city was turning around in circle. He fainted.


The sound of a familiar tone caught his attention “Truman! Truman!… Leave him alone! Truman!” The voice of a woman that he had been desprately trying to find. Sylvia cried, look deep into Truman’s brown eyes as it slowly open. He smiled at her.

There was one thing of Seaheaven that Truman was thankfukl for, and that was meeting his love unpredictably. Who could forget a face, a distinctive smell of lavender and her eyes. The very eyes he fell in love with, a pair of green crystal eyes. Her lips were just perfect. Everything, the smell of her hair, the shape of her face, the look of her eyes, everything was perfect.

“Sylvia…” he said. Sylvia smiled with tears shred down her cheek. Happiness filled the two lovers as it fade away the world. Despite the long going press, gnowling for a hot news, they were there by themselve. For the first time Truman knew where he trully belongs, and that is with Sylvia.

Home is wherever he and Sylvia will be.

Part 3/10

Coraline Review

It is so very hard to find this piece of review I did a while ago about the movie Caroline. The book was one of my most beloved book. I still love it and so here it goes:

Coraline steps out from the short novella by Neil Gaiman, bring with her the bitter-sweet story of an adventure we will never forget.
Having moved to a new apartment recently with her loving but preocupied parents, meeting the new strange neighbours who could never get her name right, and the new boy, Wybie, who seems to talk too much all the time. Coraline (by Dakota Fanning) finds herself bored one rainy day, her father suggested she could explores the flat by counting doors and windows. She finds a locked door in the drawing room. Her mother open it and explains to Coraline that the appartment was once a single house before it was seperated and bricked up. Night comes, Coraline heard a strange noise and sees a black shadow slip through her room.

The young, clever and curious Coraline follows the rats to find, not a bricked wall but a magical hollow leads to another appartment. This is called the Other World was made by Other Mother and Other Father, who are almost the same as her real parents but with buttons sewn in the place of their eyes. The Other parents seem to be more interesting and loving at first, especially her Other Mother who would intent to keep Coraline happy and entertained.

Coraline comes forward and backward in her dreams until one day, Other Mother offers Coraline  who was smart enough to know when Other Mother asked her if she wants to stay in the Other World forever by sewing buttons into her eyes.

Henry Selick, the director of Coraline, gave us not just a splendidly strange and frightening feelings but also an animation almost real and could be enjoyed by the whole family.

Check Rotten Tomatoes for more review!

Chapter 13 – Hospitality

Hazel leads them to the warren and asks to stay. Hazel finds it suspicious, the warren but take group down anyway. They come to the gathering of other rabbits in a huge burrow. The rabbits quickly mix in with others. Fiver, sits apart and a lone. Strawberry, one of the warren rabbits take Hazel somewhere else and tells him that their warren never have to deal with enemies. The man shoots them, the man who lives very close to them. Hazel touchs a stone artwork and is surprise because most rabbits don’t create art. He finds the second strange thing of this warren is that no one answers any question with “Where”, he spots out of Strawberry.


Chapter 12 – The Stranger In the Field

The rabbits lie in the field and begin on digging a new home in the ground. They are quite relax and not completely serious about this whole digging thing. The does (female rabbits) are usually the one who dig and they are all bucks (males). From behind, a strange rabbit is looking at them soon catch their attention. Hazel brings Blackberry with him to talk to the stange large rabbit. They thought the large rabbit thinks of them as elil (enemy) and soon realize after talking that he has no concern about their stay and come meet the rest of the group. Cowslip is his name, he open up and invites them to stay at their warren. Hazel puzzles into making the decision whether to come or not. The warren has many empty burrows.

After Cowslip left, they talk over. Hazel sees no harm and so do the the rest of the rabbits, except Fiver, who believe dearly that they should stay away. It starts raining and Hazel decides they will go.

Chapter 11 – Hard Going

Hazel and Fiver comes back. Bigwig has been strict and showing his “chief” side. Hazel knows that Acorn, Speedwell and Hawkbit are unhappy. They are wondering who is the Chief of them. Hazel said neither and realize that they need to rest and find a place to settle down. Hazel is confused and have no idea where he will find a better place for them. He made the promise to them and the rabbits continue their way through many difficult hours. Until they’re now restless, they find themselve a perfect field.