Chapter 10 – The Road and The Common

Buckthorn and Hazel change shift. Hazel goes to sleep, and the rabbits change shift through out the day. It’s sunset and Hazel wakes to find a dead-eating beetle on Pipkin. He quickly knocks the beetle away and wakes Pipkin. Out of nowhere, a gunshot is fired and the rabbits awakens and run in chaos. Hazel and Silver return first to the place they were sleeping, and the others slowly come back after that. They decided to go over the other side of the field, but Hazel soon stop by the appearance of something new to his eyes. Bigwig recognise it as “the hrududil” (a car). To Hazel this is something completely unfamiliar and strange. Bigwig learns from the old Owsla about the road and “the hrududil”. They are not dangerous during the day, but the lights are so bright at night that they won’t be able to move. The rabbits continue on their path. For quite sometime after when they reach an unfamiliar terrain, Hawkbit, Acorn and Speedwell tell Hazel that they want to go back. Hazel turns around to reply how ridiculously their idea is. Before he can explain, Bigwig yells at them.

Fiver stands above the hill and tells Hazel of the land they need to reach, the path they need to go, to some very far away hills. Fiver warns that they will be in for some trouble along the way but still they must reach the hills. Hazel is frustrated and worried about what they are going to do. Fiver comes back to himself and Hazel tells him to forget it, of what he was talking about.

Watership Down 3/10

Chapter 9 – The Crow and The Beanfield

After the tiring swim across the river, the rabbits are in deep sleep while Hazel is awake. He sets off finding a better and safer place for them. The field of beautiful bean plants stops Hazel and he realizes this place will keep them safe and a provide a good home for the rabbits. Hazel tells everyone and lead them toward the beanfield, and they spread out. Pipkin and Fiver are far behind the others, suddenly is attacked by a . Hazel, Bigwig and Silver come running back to help. Bigwig fights the crow off on the ground. The bird gets angry and flies off. The rabbits keep heading to the bean field and rest awhile later. Hazel once again volunteers to watch them first. He helps Pipkin removes a thorn in his paw that has cause so much trouble for Pipkin.

Chapter 8 – The Crossing

Fiver tells Hazel that they must cross the river. Hazel has to find away for them to cross the river because none of the rabbits want to. Blackberry suggests Bigwig to swim across first to see whether it’s safe or not when Bigwig asks to know what to do. Bigwig comes back with news of a dog loose in their wood and that Hazel realizes they have to get across now, even though Pipkin is hurt, and unable to swim. Blackberry, a smart rabbit as he is, finds away to float Pipkin and Fiver over on a piece of wood. They get across safely but no one understand what Blackberry’s discovery of the floating wood really mean, they all forget it except Fiver who soon thanks him for saving his life.

Peter Weir – The Director of The Truman Show

Peter Weir is an Australian director born in Sydney, 1944. Apart from The Truman Show, Weir directed “The Car That Ate Paris”, “Pinic At Hanging Rock”, “The Last Wave”, “Gallipoli”, “The Year of Living Dangerously”, “Witness”, Fearless”, “Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World” and more.
Weir movies have its complex and moody dramas that usually focus on men. He is considered “solid” as a director in his native county and in Hollywood.

In one of the interview with Peter Weir, he talks about his inspiration of the film. Weir was influenced by popular American shows of the time like “I love Lucy” and “The Twillight Zone” when growing up.Peter Weir mentioned the death of Princess Diana in the interview as one of the bad side of paparazzi. He wants to create a movie that emotionly connect to the audience, let them join him in the imaginary world of the film.

“Less is More” is one of the thing I learnt and Weir learnt from film making. It is one of the most valuable and important lesson. This helps the audience in coming into the picture rather than knowing themselve “watching”.

Q: Do you see the film as modern-day Brave New World?

A: I think you can look at it that way. World domination by giant corporations with which the people are complicit. The walls of the prison are built by the very inmates.

In my personal opinion, Weir is trying to reveal more the truth of Televsion. “What we see is what we believe.” Television manipulate the real meaning the world between reality and what’s not. Modern society depend too much on television because part of everyday life, everyone is watching and again “What we see is what we believe” The question here really isn’t about believe or not, it is:

“Can we believe what we see on the screen?”


Getting to know the author – Richard Adams

Richard George Adams was born in 1920 and studied in Bradfield and Worcester College, Oxford. He served five years in the army and joined the Civil Service between 1948 and 1974. Adams is most famous for Watership Down which was awarded both Carnegie Medal and the Guardian awarded for children’s fiction in 1972.

Adams retired from the Civil service in 1974 to continue to persuade writing, and published his second novel. He lives with his wife, Elizabeth and two daughters, Juliet and Rosamond in the South of England. Adams is living in his 90 now.

The Truman Show Review

It appears to be a simple life on the island of Seahaven, where Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) has a perfect wife, a best friend who he can tell anything to, a career, a neighbourhood where neighbours are incredibly friendly. His whole life seems as average as any man’s life, except for the fact that Truman entire life has no truth. In reality, Truman is one of the five unwanted pregnancy. He was adopted by a film company and raised in a studio of actors and stage props. From the day of his birth, thousands and millions of people around the world watch him. He is surrounded by actors in one big studio and regularly followed by hidden cameras throughout “the island”. He is the star of a 24 hour popular television show known as The Truman Show. The entire world is watching his every move whether he is eating, sleeping or working. Everyone knows but not him. To Truman, this is his life, this is his reality, this is the way it has always been.

Daylight, sunset, traffic, people, it’s real but not real. Truman has always wanted to travel but never succeeded. Like in his high school year, he wanted to be an explorer and his teacher right away tell him that there are nothing to explore or his wanting to go to Fiji to find his love. It has been stopped by one way or another. His entire life is monitored and controlled. Once in a while, he finds very odd things like a stage light fall from the sky, rain only on him and not his surrounding, or the radio talks about where he is going to go, a total stranger calling him by his name. This didn’t keep Truman wondering until he falls in love with an extra. Truman finds a studio behind the elevator of a building that normally isn’t on his routine. Even more frustrated, Truman looks back into his photo albums to find his wife crossed finger in their wedding photo. For 30 years being trapped, he has finally decides to leave Seaheaven. Christof, the director of the show who has been monitoring Truman from the start and as always, he tries to keep him trap ever since and he is not going to let him go just now.

Jim Carrey successfully potrayed Truman as a moral person and as a star on his own with every emotional journey that Truman took. Carrey gives us an unpredictable and unique Truman. We never could have guess what Truman is going to do, Carrey surprise us with every bits and every move of Truman. Truman is funny, honest and as well as a star of a show that he doesn’t know exist. The very aspect of his life is well planned and shaped by the “people” surrounding him, who have hidden in-earphone. Jim Carrey was a “Perfect Truman”  and a talented actor. He can change his expression much more than anyonen else.

Ed Harris – Christof the director of the show was also very well potrayed. He is obsessed with watching and controlling Truman’s life as we;; as being a father to him.

Here the filming techniques was extremely well planned from different angles to create different moods. The audience can immediately know when something unexpected happens. There are three main style of camera, the “hidden camera” style, the normal type and the barrel gun type. Having hidden camera style with black haze around, scattered around the town to give the idea that the place is a film set. It stayed in one position with no panning or turning point. The normal type was used very carefully to give audience a sense of a story rather than a reality show because this is a story of Truman discovering the truth of his life. The normal style is average to any other movie in relation to how the story is being told. Toward the end of the film, the third style was used to give us a sense of discovery, of the world closing behind Truman. There are wide angle lense, some unusual camera angles and special “camera” hidden in more mobile places like Truman’s ring, his wife Meryl’s necklace and one bouy camera along the water surface ready to shoot when if Truman is offshore.

In history of movie making, audiences have been fascinated by the idea of watching other people real lives. These start with the need of artificial lighting, sound recording to create different weather conditions, different timing. Since then, filming techniques and styles have developed so that we can make “our subject” less aware of the film process. Many, like Truman, are not happy to be included in a production like this, having the entire world watching you. Producers and filmakers don’t realize that to others, television isn’t part of their daily lives and may become something that they will regret later on. Truman doesn’t know that he is part of a TV show neither was he truly imformed consent. We don’t get to see a great deal of what is behind the finish product. Film making process might take 5 years and we can only see a 2 hours short. Director chooses what to show and what not, give audience a certain meaning and image.

What is the message of this movie? It’s a complex one. One might say the message is obvious, one might say it has different meanings. Many obvious one are about the way media is beginning to make an impact on people’s lives. The way Truman’s wife always advertise “Moco- cocoa” and the “Chef’s pal” to Truman’s best friend who buy the same beer pack for years tells us that celebrities advertise products that they have no need for. It is also about how reality TV can change aspect of people’s lives. The two old ladies, the bartenders, the police officer, the family, the man in the bathtub who never seems to leave – They are all people who their lives is wasted in front of television. They find comfort in watching these reality show. Same as today with show like the Apprentice or the Big brother. The message here is the impact that media made nowaday, it has the power to control and change people’s thoughts of lives, making them believe that having something is so important than what it really is. They manipulate us. If one day, the press decides to make change people’s perspective of believe in certain things, it could easily done within a day. For example if this made the headline: “Supermarkets provide poisonous food”. Within a day, many would gladly stop consuming from Supermarkets. The film bring the message to those who can understand and read it, it’s meant to change people’s perspective of the media and the press.

Chapter 7 – The Lendri And The River

The rabbits for the first time see a lendri. They are afraid for their lives. A lendri (badger is a creature that only comes out at night and lives in holes underground. it has sharp teeth, black and white lines on its back. The rabbits can smell them by distinguished smell. Bigwig admits it was his first time facing facing a lendri. He leads the rest of the rabbits and escape. They reach a river, the Enborne River bank. To the rabbit, the river is big and powerful. Hazel thanks Bigwig for saving them, letting him believe that they couldn’t have done it without him, to maintain peace. Bigwig isn’t in a very good mood. Fiver with his senses, tells that they needed to cross the river to a field to escape the lendri.

Chapter 6 – The Story Of The Blessing Of El-ahrairah

The story of the hero – El-ahrairah is told again by Dandelion. Long time ago, when all animals is the same and were friends, the rabbits breed very fast and populated the Earth. El-ahrairah has too many wives, too many children and too many grandchildren but he didn’t control them very well. Frith – the sun god was angered and decided to punish El-ahrairah. Frith tells all animals that he was going to give them all a gift to make them distinguished from the other. The sun god made sure the animals received their gift separately on their own. The foxes received their sharp teeth, strength and hunger to hunt rabbits so did the stotes, weasels and many other animals. El-ahrairah too, was on his way to see Frith and is warned of all the gifts Frith has been giving. El-ahrairah decided to hid by digging a whole. Frith came asking did he sees El-ahrairah, of all he wanted to bless El-ahrairah. El-ahrairah replied “No” and keep digging. Frith decides to bless him instead. “If you want to bless me, you will have to bless my bottom, for it’s the only thing that is out.” The sun god blessed El-ahrairah and told him that the whole world are the rabbits enemies but they would have to catch them first.

Chapter 5 – In The Woods

The rabbits try to keep up with each other slowly and cautiously further away from the warren more than any other rabbits have been, at least that’s what Hazel thought. Hazel go first and forward by himself like the rabbit folk hero – El-ahrairah – to make sure the way is safe for the others to follow. The smaller rabbits –  Fiver and Pipkin, are getting tired. Finally decides that it is better to rest well and have strength rather than exhausted and won’t be able to run from their predators. Dandelion is asked to tell the story of El-ahrairah while they are resting. El-ahrairah from the rabbit folk, is a hero. He could control the weather and provide dew and wind, help rabbits to escape their predators. Elahrairah doesn’t use violence, but use tricks instead.