Watership Down 2/10

Chapter 4 – The Departure

Hazel and Fiver slips out of their burrow before moonrise with another rabbit, Pipkin. Pipkin too was small like Fiver and afraid. Dandelion talks Hawkbit to come, Blackberry brings Buckthorn. Buckthorn is big and strong and a soon-to-be Owsla. Acorn and Speedwell – two rabbits that Hazel doesn’t know. They wait a while. Bigwig arrives with Silver, a rabbit who has just joined the Owsla and the Chief’s nephew. They wait a while and start giving second thoughts about leaving. Captain Holly comes to arrest Bigwig for what he believes they want to overthrow the Chief Rabbit. Silver was also arrested. Bigwig attacks Holly. The rabbits overthrow Holly and decides to leave immediately before they get back with more guards.

Captain Holly–

Chapter 3 – Hazel’s Decision

Dandelion and Blackberry joined Hazel and Fiver out to eat. They start discussing about the conversation with The Chief Rabbit. Hazel knows there was no point talking to Threarah but by talking no one can say that they didn’t try. Hazel trust Fiver’s gift of premonition as he has seen past visions come true. Blackberry notices Fiver’s story since the night before of the notice board  Bigwig comes up angrily and said he was having a “time-off” forever and wants to leave the warren with them. He hates that the good rabbits kept their mouth shut and stays on The Chief siide. He believes that a strong rabbit can do as well outside the warren, not stealing lettuce as a privilege of an “Owsla”. Hazel welcomed the first member of Owsla to join the moving. Blackberry shows his support for Fiver as he also hates life at the warren and looking forward moving. Hazel wants to convince as many rabbits to come as possible, but he is aware of choosing who to talk to.

Chapter 2 – The Chief Rabbit

Fiver has a nightmare about the terrible danger that he predicts is coming to the warren. Fiver’s kicking awakened Hazel. Fiver convinces Hazel about his dream and that they should leave as soon as poissible. He suggests on meeting with the Chief Rabbit for a clearer answer. Bigwig – a member of the Owsla – the leading who surround the Chief Rabbit – although afraid will get his head “bitten off” by interrupting the Chief Rabbit sleep, Threarah, Bigwig asked the Chief as a favor for Hazel. Hazel tells that his brother – Fiver has something to say. Threarah (rah is for leader) listens to Fiver’s story of his senses but does not believe him. Hazel even tried to convince Threarah about Fiver’s premonition true for many past events. The Chief comforts Fiver by telling him he will re-think about  it. Threarah in fact ignores Fiver’s little non-sense story and yells at Bigwig.

Chapter 1- The Notice Board

Hazel and Fiver, two rabbits are out eating. Fiver is smallest rabbit and shy in the warren but he sees a lot more than other rabbits. Fiver was certainly the best at finding cowslip. He found a hidden cowslip but Toadflex belongs to the ruling class – Owsla – of the warren, claimed as his own. The Owsla give rules and punishment on behalf of the chief. Fiver knows he doesn’t have the power to do anything. Hazel triedHe knews that some horrible thing will happen to the home warren when they stumble upon a sign planted into the ground nearby. Despite Fiver panic, Hazel was confused to believe in his brother or not. The rabbits could not read the sign but it says: The warren will soon be built on top with the housing development.

“Some terrible thing coming closer and close”

Dear diary,

Hazel and I went out to fill our stomach with cowslips. I found them but Toadflax took them. I’m tired of it. Always ” These are my claws, so this is my cowslip.” I guess I’m too small to be in the Owsla. Anyway, we went over the brook hoping for some peace. I don’t like the culvert. I sense danger and it worries me. This time the ground has changed. There were two piles of earth lay on the grass and posts. They are reeking of creosote and paint, and they are high as the holly trees. The board they carried threw a long shadow on top of the field. There were some stuff left behind as well. We went hoping up to the board. I can smell a dead cigarette somewhere in the grass. I quivered as I know to my heart, some terrible thing coming closer and closer. No it wasn’t there just yet but it was covered with blood. The field! Don’t tell me it’s only the light of the sunset like Hazel did. Hazel is taking care of me but he is being overprotected. I might never grow larger but I will be able to take care of myself. I know the danger and it’s coming. Oh dear!

Reading Classics

Hello and welcome!

As part of our English class – Reading classics. Considering novels like Dracula, If Tomorrow Comes, Journey To The Centre Of The Earth, The Secret Garden etc. Including Watership Down written by British author – Richard Adams which is my choice for reading a classic novel and create a website about it.

“A book about survival, of heroism and leadership”.

I bought the novel at a secondhand bookshop for $3. No it didn’t quite catch my eyes at first but after going through piles and piles of book, the novel is now in my bag waiting to be read.


The book is a tale about rabbits. Not fairy tale rabbits but human-like rabbits living in a society. It is a tale about survival of a group of wild rabbits searching for a safer home, away from their warren. The rabbits have their own culture, their own folk lore and their own lapine language. There is also an adaptation film of Watership Down. Although it was quite disturbing and violence when I first watched it as the age of 10.

Have a look at the animation film here: