Tag Archives: 1978 film

Part 5/10

Part 4/10

Part 3/10

Watership Down 3/10

Watership Down 2/10

Reading Classics

Hello and welcome!

As part of our English class – Reading classics. Considering novels like Dracula, If Tomorrow Comes, Journey To The Centre Of The Earth, The Secret Garden etc. Including Watership Down written by British author – Richard Adams which is my choice for reading a classic novel and create a website about it.

“A book about survival, of heroism and leadership”.

I bought the novel at a secondhand bookshop for $3. No it didn’t quite catch my eyes at first but after going through piles and piles of book, the novel is now in my bag waiting to be read.


The book is a tale about rabbits. Not fairy tale rabbits but human-like rabbits living in a society. It is a tale about survival of a group of wild rabbits searching for a safer home, away from their warren. The rabbits have their own culture, their own folk lore and their own lapine language. There is also an adaptation film of Watership Down. Although it was quite disturbing and violence when I first watched it as the age of 10.

Have a look at the animation film here: