Tag Archives: Diary

“Some terrible thing coming closer and close”

Dear diary,

Hazel and I went out to fill our stomach with cowslips. I found them but Toadflax took them. I’m tired of it. Always ” These are my claws, so this is my cowslip.” I guess I’m too small to be in the Owsla. Anyway, we went over the brook hoping for some peace. I don’t like the culvert. I sense danger and it worries me. This time the ground has changed. There were two piles of earth lay on the grass and posts. They are reeking of creosote and paint, and they are high as the holly trees. The board they carried threw a long shadow on top of the field. There were some stuff left behind as well. We went hoping up to the board. I can smell a dead cigarette somewhere in the grass. I quivered as I know to my heart, some terrible thing coming closer and closer. No it wasn’t there just yet but it was covered with blood. The field! Don’t tell me it’s only the light of the sunset like Hazel did. Hazel is taking care of me but he is being overprotected. I might never grow larger but I will be able to take care of myself. I know the danger and it’s coming. Oh dear!