Tag Archives: Part 2 – On Watership Down

Chapter 29 – Return and Departure

The next morning, Hazel is better and is able to return to the top of the Down. He tells the rabbits that he and Blackberry has made a plan to go to Efrafa and get some does back. Holly disagrees thought it will be a total disaster because Woundwort, he believes, doesn’t have anyone as clever as Blackberry or Fiver but he won’t let a bunch of does goes. Fiver says that he will go, Bigwig volunteers and Keehar will comes along as well. Silver and Pipkin and Blackberry also say they will go as Blackberry realize the plan he has is better than he thought. Keehar says will he will help but he must leave immediately afterwards and return to visit in the future. Holly, Buckthorn and the hutch rabbits stay.

Chapter 28 – At The Foot Of The Hill

Blackberry comes back with news that Hazel is alive. Fiver at the bottom of the hill is with him. Hazel was sleeping very tired when Bigwig runs down to help. The next morning, Kehaar comes and helps Hazel get the bullets out of his leg. For three days, Hazel rests down the hill and send message to Holly and the rest about what the need to do. Hazel knows now that they need to return to Efrara. He trusts Blackberry will figure out how to because they must bring some does back. Holly disagrees with the horror idea of his experiences but Fiver, strangely felt that it’s the right idea even though it couldn’t have. He believes they can do it.

Chapter 27 – “You Can’t Imagine It Unless You’ve Been There”

The rabbits are confused and frustrated dealing with the loss of their leader. Holly is finally rested enough and now able to tell the story of their journey to Efrara. They ran into a rabbit who warn them not to go to Efrara. Right at that moment, there were three big rabbits moved towards them and escorted them in.

Holly’s rabbits were completely shock by the control over of the Owsla in Efrara, the Council of advisor and a chief rabbit with the name of General Woundwort. Each of the rabbit is marked since they were little and then put in a group with similar mark. They are only allowed to go above at assigned time to eat and any who try to run away is savagely punish. The warren is designed and controlled to avoid human finding because the fear humans. The “Wide Patrol” are held by officers under General Woundwort to look for enemies, wandering rabbits or anything strange.

Captain Campion took Holly and the others in a burrow. The rabbits were marked. Holly gets to know the rabbits, a doe name Hyzenthlay, who told him that the warren is overcrowded and there were too many does that they start obsorbing their kittens back into their body. The rabbits confronted the Council. Holly tried to explain that the needed a few does but General Woundwort did not listen and only wanted them to stay in Efrara. Holly and the rabbits started to realize that they were prisoners, not welcome guests who can come and leave as they wish.

Afraid, Holly made a plan to escape, and they ran away while their guard was eating. They knew that they didn’t have a great chance escaping because the officers were so much stronger and bigger than them but their luck weren’t out yet, they climbed over one side of a railroad track and saved themselves. Although Holly had no idea what the track was but the train came and cut their track off from the Officers. Holly thought the train was a giant hrududu sent by Frith to save them. At last they managed to get back safe and sound to the warren but right away learnt that Hazel was dead.

Chapter 26 – Fiver Beyond

As Fiver sits alone in his burrow he dreams of Hazel still alive but in danger and badly injured. Fiver asks Blackberry to go to show him where Hazel was shot, he wants to be there. Blackberry believes that Hazel is dead but seeing the desperate brother, Fiver convinces him to go. Fiver is anxious and rush Blackberry to come quick and hurry. Fiver moves and follows the blood trail to the drain. Hazel is in the drain, alive but injured. This is for the first time, we see Fiver acts on his vision without his brother’s help. He acts quick and instantly to save his brother’s life. Fiver is getting more mature and like his brother, Fiver is able to make decision that is clever and quick.

Chapter 25 – The Raid

Fiver finds out about Hazel’s trip to the farm the next day and he gets angry because he trust that Holly will bring back lots of does and there is no need to go and “show-off” his power. Hazel disagrees and tells the others later on about the visit and his plan of getting the rabbits. Bigwig, ones who loves adventure, can’t wait to fight a cat on his own and he with Hazel convinces Blackberry, ones with ideas to come and find a solution to rescue the rabbits in the box. Fiver warns Hazel that he can’t stop him from going but he senses that he will meet trouble. Hazel to assure his brother, promises to not going in himself.

They leave the next evening with Dandelion, Speedwell and Hawkbit. They encounter a cat at the end of the barn, not the same tabby Hazel met. Bigwig hits it and rolls it over, kicking it several times. They gets in and Blackberry, the smartest one with ideas figures out a way to open the hutch, ripping the leather hinge and free the rabbits. Knowing this, the rabbits in the hutch are not certain of what to do. Boxwood and Clover move quick but the other two freeze and stay still. Soon the cat arrives and dog begins to bark, still the did not move. The rest run off leaving Haystack and Laurel behind.

Hazel gets the news and tells them to move on and he will comes back in to save the other two. All of a sudden, a car pulls over, blinding the rabbits with light. The men grab Laurel and starts searching around. The rabbits are stuck in a ditch. Hazel runs out to distract so the others can run but he himself gets shot and struggle to hides in the drain. The others gets away, they stopped to wait for Hazel, hearing the shot and see nothing in return except a trail of blood and the men footstep. They assume Hazel is dead and comes back to tell Fiver who has a vision already about Hazel. He runs off to his burrow alone. That night also, Holly gets back with Buckthorn, Strawberry and Silver exhausted and hurt. Silver is the only one who isn’t. They bring no does back.

Chapter 24 – Nuthanger Farm

After Holly’s group left, Hazel decides they should get some does back before the expedition comes back. He took Pipkin as he knows Pipkin won’t ask too much about what they are going to do. Hazel set off to see the rabbits in the box. He meets Boxwood first who tells him there are two bucks and two does. Hazel proposes that he wants them to join the warren, he starts getting friendlier with the rabbits, telling them story while Pipkin looks out for him. Hazel promises to come back and free them. Suddenly, Pipkin warns him of the cat outside, Hazel has to think of a plan to escape. He waits for the cat to make its first move and jump at them while they run off and get away just in time. Pipkin finally ask Hazel while he has come to talk to the rabbits and Hazel says will talk about it later.

Chapter 23 – Kehaar

Bigwig and Silver find an injured black headed gull in a hollow, completely strange to the rabbits. Hazel hears the news and comes to look at the bird. He talks to the bird the same way he did with the mouse and even though he is not so sure, he decides that the bird is hungry. They went collecting worms and insects for the first time of their lives and bring them back to feed the gull. Hazel tries to convince the bird, knowing it is a difficult task, that they will help taking care of the gull. The gull wants nothing to do with rabbits so they left.

Hazel comes back in the afternoon to invites the bird to come and stay in a hole they built for it. While the others are digging, Hazel explains to the gull the way they live. The gull is still not convinced of Hazel intention to help it. The next day, the bird feels much better and friendlier as he has comes to believe that they meant no harm. Bigwig becomes a good companion for the bird. They talk and Bigwig admires the bird very much for his strength and fights. Bigwig tells the others why the bird is injured, and it is because of cat injured his wing. He comes from a far away land where the earth stops and there are endless water that no land can be found. The rabbits aren’t really following the story but Bigwig is sure that Kehaar – the bird’s name – was telling the truth.

Hazel’s plan to befriend with other animals works wonder, of course only those who wish them no harm. They learn more about the bird and Hazel reveals his plan. The need des in the warren because the twelve of them are all bucks, and if they want to start a new warren they neet kittens. They need to find some. Hazel wants to ask Kehaar to help provide them some information about the big new world that they just settled in with any hopes of does anywhere. Bigwig says he will tell Kehaar once he is feeling better and so he did, a few days later Kehaar talks to Hazel about his plan. Kehaar leaves and didn’t return for days after. He came back and telling them that there is a farm at the bottom of the hill and a warren that is further away and would take a few days to reach. Holly, Silver, Buckthorn and Strawberry are chosen to take off as an ambassador on their way to bring some does back, they left in the morning.

Chapter 22 – The Story of the Trial of El-ahrairah

Holly finished telling his story, Hazel starts to clean his ear wound and tell them why he saved the mouse. What Hazel thinks is it doesn’t cost to befriend with other animals and they may be useful later on to help the rabbits. The animals are enemies of their enemies so there is nothing to worry about. And Hawkbit proves Hazel’s point, another mouse told him of a place with good grass to eat. Hazel takes the rabbits there and is pleased to see that his helping a mouse paid off.

Bluebell tells a story about Elahrairah soon after Dandelion told the story about the King’s Lettuce. Prince Rainbow brought a rabbit named Hufsa in exchange to move Ratscuttle somewhere else. He wanted to put El-ahrairah back in his place of misery. El-ahrairah can’t refuse and he had to take Hufsa in. Eversince Hufsa came to join them, El-ahrairah’s plans were spoiled. Hufsa secretly tell Prince Rainbow, as he is a faithful and loyal spy of Prince Rainbow. El-ahrairah knew it was Hufsa, but he can’t kill nor throw Hufsa away because that would bring him more trouble. Prince Rainbow pretend that seeing El-ahrairah taking care of Hufsa, he gave the rabbits a gift and that is a carrots garden that Hazel will have to look after, knowing El-rairah would steal the carrots and Hufsa would tell him. Finally, El-ahrairah to protect his people tricked Hufsa into thinking that they stole the carrots. Hufsa, as loyal as he is, comes to Prince Rainbow to warn him. A course is up, Hufsa tells what he saw of the night, with many animals doing strange things and made himself looked like a fool. Prince Rainbow took Hufsa away to protect him for the jury of elil.

Chapter 21 – “For El-ahrairah to Cry”

Holly returns bring with him the story of the Sandleford warren after Hazel’s rabbits left. The Threarah gives explanation that even if Fiver was right, he couldn’t just move the entire warren, many rabbits can’t go on a long journey, predators would be harming them so it is best that they stay underground and do what they can to protect themselves.

Holly was out on his own  a few days later then came back to find men and a boy with a gun. In a minute or so the men filled the warren holes with poisonous gas blocking all escaping way. Until here, Bluebell tells of how horrifying and terror in the inside of the burrows. All the rabbits panicked, they try to escape. The does protected their young one and fought if anyone comes near them. The rabbits on the top died blocking the way for the rabbits following it, killing them as well. Bluebell somehow managed to escape with Pimpernel. But before they could, Holly tells them a great plow come and destroyed everything. Holly in horror only knew that he must find Bigwig, following Hazel’s path so him and the other two set off. They reached the warren of snares after Hazel’s leaving and got attacked by Cowslip and the others. Pimpernel was killed because he was too sick but Holly and Blubell escaped. Holly fought with Cowslip, almost kill him but Cowslip then told them that Hazel’s rabbits had already gone. After that they just went on and on nonstop, Hazel found them when Holly was exhausted and started to hallucinate.

Chapter 20 – A Honeycomb and a Mouse

Holly smells of blood is a danger for the rabbits because it attracts predators. Bluebell appears, Holly’s friend. Hazel handle getting Holly and Bluebell up to the top of the down, he is very worried and concerned. It takes quite sometime to get them up. Pipkin and Dandelion take the injured rabbits into one of the holes and tell the others to let them rest as much as they need.

Hazel takes the others back to keep digging the next day. Strawberry with his knowledge of the old warren, shows Hazel how to build a big burrow for meeting and storytelling. Soon he takes over the process of buiding the Honeycomb. Hazel later saves a mouse and tells it to come down into one of their burrows. Holly recovered well and is about to tell them his story of their old warren, the Sandleford warren, but the mouse speaks first to Hazel, it promises to help Hazel in return of saving his live.